50 of the best daily positive affirmations

50 Daily Affirmations to Make You Feel Good

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If you have been struggling with poor motivation, low self-esteem, or diminished confidence, incorporating daily affirmations into your life could make a world of difference.

50 Feel Good Daily Affirmations 

Here are 50 examples of daily affirmations that can help you overcome negative thoughts and maintain a positive outlook on life:  

  1. I am a good person, and I deserve to be happy.
  2. I deserve the same love and support that I offer to others.
  3. I am capable of overcoming whatever obstacles I encounter today.
  4. When my actions align with my values, I cannot fail.
  5. I trust my instincts and my abilities.
  6. I have much to be proud of, and much to be grateful for.
  7. I am thankful for what I have and proud of who I am.
  8. I have earned the right to be where I am.
  9. I won’t apologize for my successes. I earned them through effort and perseverance.
  10. Even on my worst days, I deserve to be loved and supported.
  11. I am strong enough to get through the difficult times.
  12. Every setback is an opportunity to learn, change, and grow.
  13. I am thankful for my failures and mistakes, because they have helped make me the person I am today.
  14. I won’t allow myself to be defined by my errors or failures.
  15. My mistakes will never define me, because my resilience will always sustain me.
  16. I forgive myself for the decisions I made when I didn’t know any better.
  17. Now that I know better, I will do better and be better.
  18. I am proud of what I’ve accomplished and where I’m headed.
  19. I am becoming the person I’ve always wanted to be.
  20. The only way I can fail is if I stop trying.
  21. I am confident and capable.
  22. I am smart, strong, and capable.
  23. I am capable of so much more than I realize.
  24. I am ready to take on whatever challenges the day holds in store for me.
  25. Confidence isn’t arrogance. It is an expression of my belief in myself.
  26. I can experience pain without letting it overwhelm me.
  27. I can experience difficult emotions without reacting to them.
  28. I know what I want, I am on the right path, and I am willing to put in the work.
  29. I have the power to make this a good day for myself and for others.
  30. I am strongest when I am kindest.
  31. I choose to live a life of love and positivity.
  32. Today, I choose to be kind and compassionate.
  33. Today, I will treat myself with kindness and compassion.
  34. As I breathe in, I fill myself with hope. As I breathe out, I rid my mind of negative thoughts.
  35. Self-care isn’t selfish. I can’t be my best unless I tend to my own needs.
  36. Self-care is a sign of self-respect.
  37. Asking for help when I need it is a sign of strength.
  38. I am building a life of value and purpose.
  39. When I look in the mirror, I am proud of what I see.
  40. I exude compassion and attract positivity.
  41. I am a beacon of light and love.
  42. I can be the reason why someone has a great day today.
  43. I can help make the world a better place.
  44. I have the ability to create a brighter future for myself.
  45. In this moment, I am safe and I have everything I need.
  46. I am doing my best, and that is enough.
  47. I am enough, exactly as I am right now.
  48. Today is a gift to be treasured.
  49. Today will be a good day.
  50. I got this.

Importance of Daily Affirmations

Flexibility is one of the many beneficial features of daily affirmations. When you incorporate them into your life, you will discover that they can serve a variety of purposes, depending on your current circumstances, your immediate goals, and your long-term objectives.

Here are just a few of the many ways that daily affirmations can be important to you:

  • Improved performance: A 2015 study found evidence that positive affirmations may activate neural pathways that are related to the sense of reward. This study involved adults who were living sedentary lifestyles and who needed to become more active. Participants in the group that used daily affirmations showed the greatest decrease in sedentary behaviors, even after adjusting for factors such as age, gender, and body mass index (BMI).
  • Enhanced self-worth: Positive reinforcement can do wonders for our confidence and self-esteem. Too often, people believe that this type of reinforcement must come from other people. Daily affirmations demonstrate the beneficial impact that positive self-talk can have on how we view ourselves. 
  • Disruption of negative thoughts: Every moment you spend focused on an affirmation is a moment when you’re not having negative thoughts about your appearance, your abilities, or any other aspect of who you are. Whenever you find yourself slipping into a pattern of negative thinking, you can use your daily affirmations to disrupt this self-destructive behavior and redirect your mental energy toward more positive outcomes.
  • Better mental health: Having doubts and experiencing setbacks are universal human experiences. Unfortunately, these types of challenges can sometimes erode your mental well-being. Daily affirmations aren’t replacements for treatment – but as a technique for pulling yourself out of a low mood or easing your anxiety, they can be quite valuable. 
  • Mindfulness: Many of us spend much too much time ruminating over mistakes we’ve already made or worrying about challenges that we haven’t even encountered yet. Reciting daily affirmations focuses you to be fully present in the moment, similar to how the meditative practice of focusing on your breath can help you re-center yourself. 
  • Consistency: Long-term progress is often the result of consistent effort. When you make time for affirmations every single day, you are building the type of healthy habit that can fuel great success. Doing this can also remind you that every step in the right direction is a step worth taking, no matter how small it may seem in the moment.
  • Motivation: No matter how committed you are to achieving an objective, there will be days when you struggle to muster the motivation you need to maintain your progress. On days like that, daily affirmations can reconnect you with your goals and help you summon the physical and emotional energy to persevere.

Learn More About Montare Behavioral Health Today

Daily affirmations can make a tremendous positive difference in your life. But if your mental health needs have reached the point where they are undermining your quality of life, you may need professional help.

Montare Behavioral Health offers life-affirming inpatient and outpatient services for adults whose lives have been impacted by anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. We also serve patients whose mental health struggles are accompanied by co-occurring addiction. 

Our network includes multiple facilities throughout Southern California. When you choose to heal at any of our treatment centers, you will have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with a team of highly skilled and compassionate professionals. 

At Montare Behavioral Health, there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all treatment. We will take the time to get to know you as a unique and valuable individual, so that we can be sure we’re providing you with the customized services that will best prepare you for a healthier and more hopeful future.

To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Contact page or call us today.