Woman showing these 7 signs of high functioning anxiety

The 7 Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

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Montare Behavioral Health is a mental health treatment center located in Los Angeles, California that specializes in treating various mental health disorders, including high-functioning anxiety. In this article, we will explore what high-functioning anxiety is, the signs and symptoms of this condition, and how it can be treated at Montare Behavioral Health.

What is High-Functioning Anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is a condition characterized by persistent anxiety and worry that does not significantly impair daily functioning. People with this disorder may appear successful, put together, and accomplished on the outside. However, on the inside, they may constantly be worried and anxious about a variety of things. This type of anxiety can be hard to detect, as individuals may not present with the typical symptoms of anxiety, such as panic attacks or avoidance behaviors.

What are the 7 Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety?

  1. Perfectionism: People with high-functioning anxiety may set impossibly high standards for themselves and may become overly critical or self-judgmental when they don’t meet their expectations.
  2. Overthinking: Individuals with high-functioning anxiety may overanalyze situations, events, or conversations, often ruminating on the past or worrying about the future.
  3. Avoidance: People with high-functioning anxiety may avoid certain situations or experiences, such as social events or new opportunities, due to fear or anxiety.
  4. Procrastination: Individuals with high-functioning anxiety may procrastinate on tasks or projects due to fear of failure or not meeting their own expectations.
  5. Need for control: People with high-functioning anxiety may try to control every single aspect of their lives in an effort to reduce anxiety or worry.
  6. Physical symptoms: Individuals with high-functioning anxiety may experience physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, or gastrointestinal issues due to their anxiety.
  7. Imposter syndrome: People with high-functioning anxiety may feel like they are not worthy of their accomplishments and may constantly doubt themselves or their abilities.

What Causes High-Functioning Anxiety?

The exact causes of high-functioning anxiety are not yet fully understood. However, researchers have identified several risk factors that can contribute to causing this condition. Some of the most common risk factors associated with high-functioning anxiety include:

  1. Genetics: Studies have shown that there may be a genetic component to anxiety disorders, including high-functioning anxiety. Individuals who have a family history of these disorders may be more likely to develop it themselves.
  2. Childhood Trauma: Trauma experienced during childhood, such as abuse or neglect, has been linked to the development of anxiety disorders later in life.
  3. Perfectionism: Individuals who have a tendency to be perfectionistic may be more prone to developing high-functioning anxiety. They may have high standards for themselves and feel an intense amount of pressure to achieve these standards. This can lead to increased anxiety.
  4. Environmental Stress: High levels of stress, such as those experienced in the workplace or in relationships, can trigger the symptoms.
  5. Brain Chemistry: Research has shown that imbalances in certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, can add to the development of anxiety disorders, including high-functioning anxiety.

While these factors can increase the risk of developing high-functioning anxiety, it is important to note that not everyone who experiences these risk factors will develop the condition. Additionally, some individuals may develop it without any clear risk factors. The causes of this disorder are complex and can vary from person to person.

Man with high functioning anxiety receiving help in Los Angeles California

How to Treat High-Functioning Anxiety

At Montare Behavioral Health, we offer evidence-based treatments for high-functioning anxiety, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based therapies, and medication management. Our experienced mental health professionals work with each individual to create a personalized treatment plan. These plans will addresses their unique needs and goals.

CBT is a type of talk-therapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to anxiety. This type of therapy can help individuals with high-functioning anxiety learn to challenge their negative thoughts. Additionally, it can help develop more realistic and positive thought patterns.

Mindfulness-based therapies, such as mindfulness meditation, can help individuals with high-functioning anxiety learn to become more present in each moment. In addition, it can reduce anxiety and worry. These therapies can also help individuals learn to accept their anxiety and manage it in a more productive way.

Medication management may also be recommended for individuals with high-functioning anxiety. Particularly if they are experiencing significant physical symptoms or are struggling to manage their anxiety with therapy alone. Our mental health professionals can work with each individual to determine the best medication options and dosages for their needs.

Begin Treatment for High-Functioning Anxiety in Los Angeles, California

At Montare Behavioral Health, we understand the impact that high-functioning anxiety can have on daily life. Our compassionate and experienced mental health professionals are here to help. If you or a loved one is struggling with high-functioning anxiety, we encourage you to reach out to us to schedule a consultation. Together, we can develop a personalized treatment plan. This can help you manage your anxiety and achieve optimal mental health and wellness.