Mental Health Treatment Resources in Pasadena, California

There is no method of treatment that works for everybody who suffers from mental illness. If this were the case, finding the right kind of treatment would be a whole lot easier for a lot of people. No one person on this earth is a carbon copy of the other; each individual is unique. Options for mental health treatment in Pasadena, California should be no different.

Throughout the United States, there are many different resources available to meet every individual’s needs. Finding the right treatment center and treatment method for you can be a daunting task, but understanding which kind of care is necessary may be simpler than one is led to believe.

Mental Health Treatment Options in Pasadena, CA

There are many methods of mental healthcare, including programs available for those who suffer from mental disorders, some of which include the following:

Finding the right treatment for mental health in Pasadena doesn’t have to be the most difficult experience in the world. Many options have the potential to fulfill your unique needs. Many facilities offer personalized care from general therapy to inpatient treatment. The right facility will always do what it can to meet the needs of the individual, but for one’s needs to be met, a person must understand him or herself well enough to know what he or she needs.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient residential treatment is for people who are dealing with serious cases of mental illness. Lasting anywhere from 28 days to six months, inpatient treatment patients live in the comfort of our treatment facilities. While living in our care, our inpatient treatment patients have the benefit of 24/7 access to our wonderful wellness staff, professionally licensed therapists, and psychiatrists.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment

Mental illness can be very difficult, but there are many benefits to pursuing recovery. One of these benefits is successfully adjusting to life outside of the treatment facility. Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) was designed just for that. Sometimes, patients who complete inpatient care are still in need of an immersive treatment option, which is the opposite of outpatient treatment. IOP allows patients to adjust to life outside of the treatment facility while being involved in immersive care. In regards to this approach, consistency and growth are imperative to a patient’s success.

Outpatient Treatment

For mild cases of mental illness, outpatient treatment may be the way to go. The intensive nature of inpatient treatment differs greatly from outpatient treatment. This method of care offers patients anywhere from 10-12 hours of professional care per week with licensed therapists and psychiatrists. Part of what makes this particular option great is its convenience.

Those who participate in outpatient care can recover with professional resources and reside in the comfort of their own homes simultaneously. As far as a timeline is concerned, outpatient treatment lasts much longer than inpatient treatment, perhaps because of the minimum weekly hours. This method of care could last anywhere from six months to over a year. This is prime for anyone who wants to take their time recovering.

Therapy Options in Pasadena, CA

The ultimate goal of rehab is to help patients recover and pursue a life of sobriety and stability. Therapy has been known to have a positive impact in this regard, and it has been known to yield successful results. Those who participate are impacted positively because of the way it encourages patients to pivot their perspective on how their mental illness has affected them.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy serves the purpose of discussing deep subject matter that an average conversation would never reveal. Intentionally intimate environments help make some patients more comfortable in sharing their experiences with mental health or anything else that might not even relate directly. The idea is to identify the cause and not the symptoms. This helps therapists identify ways in which they can help someone pursue a life of stability.

The pursuit of a healthy way of living is challenging due in large part to the coping methods that individuals have developed. Coping mechanisms are a vital part of recovery. Individual therapy is a good way to help patients develop coping mechanisms that fit their unique mold.

As far as frequency is concerned, it all depends on what is best for each case of mental illness; it can go from daily to monthly depending on whoever is involved and what their needs are. Each patient is assigned a therapist that he or she will spend all of their sessions with. This provides each patient with the amount of attention that fulfills their recovery needs.

Group Therapy

For patients who find themselves less vulnerable than those who feel more secure in an individual therapeutic environment, group therapy is a great option. Group therapy is also beneficial for those that require a more intensive amount of accountability.

Accountability is possible because this method provides individuals with people who share a common struggle. This has been known to strengthen bonds between recovery peers and offer them a surrounding support system they may have never had otherwise. This is the ultimate purpose of group therapy. Fostering support for those who need it is a necessary component of recovery.

In group therapy sessions, patients discuss their history of mental illness and how it has impacted them along with every aspect of their lives. This treatment strategy is Socratic as far as structure is concerned, and because of this, there is always a licensed therapist moderating the session.

Mental health treatment resources in Pasadena CA

Family Therapy

The nastiest part of having a mental disorder is the effect that it has on those who love them most. This has the potential to tear families apart and sever relationships that truly matter. Family therapy helps facilitate the mending of broken relationships and improves communication. It is similar to group therapy except for the fact that patients are in a more settled, intimate environment with loved ones as opposed to acquaintances.

Age-Specific Treatment in Pasadena, CA

There is one truth in the world of recovery treatment and it is that there is no specific treatment method that can meet everyone’s needs. Each individual is unique, and therefore requires treatment that caters to their needs as individuals. It would be foolish to treat a teenager the same way a senior adult is treated. This is why age-specific treatment is imperative to recovery success.

Young Adult Treatment

The simple truth concerning teens and young adults is that each one of them is eagerly searching for some sense of belonging; isolation is their greatest fear. As a result, mental illness can become exacerbated if left untreated or undiagnosed.

People are the most vulnerable in their development when they’re in the stages of young adulthood. Because of this, even the fear of feeling alone dangerously influences them to make poor decisions to feel a false sense of security. At Renewal, some programs cater specifically to the needs of young adults. Our programs will help them find the sense of belonging that they’ve been yearning for in healthy ways.

Seniors Treatment

As well as young adults, seniors struggle with mental health issues. The number of those struggling ages 50-65 has doubled in the past 15 years. These cases could have been a result of genetics/family history. Or, it could have become a problem later on in their life due to other reasons. Regardless, our goal is to provide them with the best care available to meet their every need. Our staff is patient and kind, and you can rest assured that you or your loved one will be well taken care of.

Contact Montare Behavioral Health Near Pasadena, CA

If you are willing to pursue the right help, Montare Behavioral Health will be there to meet you with compassion and understanding. If you or a loved one is suffering from a behavioral health disorder and want to receive help, our doors are always open. You can contact us here, or call us at (855) 782-5553.