Montare Behavioral Health

LGBTQ+ Mental Health

Comprehensive behavioral health treatment facilities for adults in a safe and comforting atmosphere in Southern California.

Many LGBTQ+ individuals struggle with various mental health issues and concerns. Compared to “straight” individuals, LGBTQ+ individuals have a higher rate of mental health challenges. These issues can occur due to a variety of reasons and underlying causes. At Montare Behavioral Health, we offer compassionate and individualized mental health treatment in a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals. Our goal is to empower our clients to embrace their authentic selves, overcome barriers to mental wellness, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Understanding LGBTQ+ Mental Health​

Understanding LGBTQ+ mental health requires recognizing and addressing the unique challenges people within this community face. Research has indicated LGBTQ+ people have a higher risk of experiencing mental health issues such as:

What Is LGBTQ+ Mental Health?

LGBTQ+ mental health refers to the stressors people within this community can face. For starters, individuals may struggle with issues related to their sexuality and gender, leading to great distress, anxiety, and depression. 

They also have to face issues with minority stress related to hate crimes, discrimination, homophobia, and being rejected by friends and family. Additionally, there is bullying and fear of violence from social stigma. Combined, these factors all have a direct impact on the mental health of individuals who consider themselves a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

What is LGBT Mental Health?

Defining LGBTQ+ Mental Health Issues

LGBTQ+ mental health issues encompass a wide range of specific challenges and concerns that are in direct relation to an individual’s mental well-being within this community. Some of the more common issues include:

LGBT Discrimination and it's impact on mental health

Why Is LGBTQ+ Mental Health So Impactful?

LGBTQ+ mental health is so impactful because of the many societal and psychological factors that often have an adverse effect on one’s mental health and well-being. These factors can include:

  • Minority Stress
  • Discrimination
  • Societal stigma
  • Prejudice
  • Feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-worth
  • Fear of rejection
  • Lack of acceptance
  • Experiencing physical and sexual abuse
  • Lack of support

How Being LGBTQ+ Affects Mental Health

Being LGBTQ+ often has a significant impact on mental health for adults and teens for many different reasons. 


  • LGBTQ+ adults face discrimination, prejudice, and societal stigma based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. Being constantly exposed to this minority stress contributes to higher occurrences of anxiety, depression, and overall distress.
  • Some LGBTQ+ adults experience social isolation as a coping mechanism out of fear of acceptance and to avoid rejection by friends and family. This often leads to feelings of sadness and loneliness. 
  • Some LGBTQ+ adults struggle with internalized issues, such as coming to terms with their sexual identity, gender, and orientation. They can struggle with negative beliefs and societal norms and reconcliling these against their own feelings. This can lead to low self-esteem, shame, guilt, and increased risks of developing depression and self-harming behaviors. 


While teens can also struggle with similar issues as LGBTQ+ adults do, they also have other issues that have a direct impact on their mental health and well-being, such as:

  • Bullying and harassment: LGBTQ+ teens are more likely to be bullied and harassed at school and by their peers because of their gender identity and sexual orientation. As a result, they can experience emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.
  • Rejection by family and friends. Many LGBTQ+ teens are afraid of being rejected by family and friends if they were to reveal their true selves. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety and lead to substance use issues to cope. 
  • Identity development struggles: A major time for identity development is during the teenage years. For LGBTQ+ teens, it can be even more difficult to establish one’s identity and be accepting of one’s self. There can be internal conflicts and stress that arise during this time, having a negative impact on mental health.
  • Lack of support: Many LGBTQ+ teens find it difficult to find supportive environments at school or home, as well as other individuals they can identify with and turn to for peer support. Without a support system, individuals can feel alone, isolated, and unaccepted, further impacting their mental health. 

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Statistics

Some LGBTQ+ mental health statistics released by SAMHSA for the 2021 and 2022 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health for adults 18 and older include:

  • Lesbian and bisexual females are more likety to engage in binge drinking comaried to straight feamles.
  • Gay and bisexual individuals were up to three times more likely to abuse different substances.
  • One-third of gay and bisexual individuals reported a substance use disorder (SUD) in the past year. 
  • One-fourth of lesibians reports a SUD in the past year. 
  • The prevalence of mental illness within the previous hear was three times higher in bisexual males and two times higher in gay males compared to straight males.
  • More than 25 percent of bisexual females and more than 14 percent of lesbian females reported major depression in the previous year. 
  • Sexual minority males were up to three times more likely to have depression compared to minority straight males.
  • Bisexual females were six times more likely to attempt suicide compared to straight females. 

Some mental health statistics for teen LGBTQ+ individuals, as reported by the Trevor Project and the 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health, include:

  • 45 percent of LGBTQ+ youth considered attempting suicide.
  • 35 percent of gay teens, 46 percent of lesbian teens, and 43 percent of bisexual teens thought about committing suicide.
  • 14 percent of LGBTQ+ youth attempted suicide.
  • 11 percent of gay teens, 13 percent of lesbian teens, and 13 percent of bisexual teens attempted suicide. 
  • 60 percent of LGBTQ+ youth who wanted mental health care were not able to get it.
  • 73 percent of LGBTQ+ you report anxiety symptoms
  • 58 percent of LGBTQ+ youth report depressive symptoms
  • 36 percent of LGBTQ+ youth have been physically threatened or harmed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Impact of LGBT mental health on adults

Strategies for Improving LGBTQ+ Mental Health

Some strategies for improving LGBTQ+ mental health require a multifaceted approach to address the unique challenges of the needs of individuals within this community. Creating safe, supportive, and inclusive environments in schools, workplaces, and communities where individuals can feel accepted and valued has a positive impact on mental health.

Next, it is essential to ensure LGBTQ+ individuals can have access to mental health care in a safe, caring, and supportive environment. Having this access ensures individuals can obtain the mental health care they need when they are facing mental health issues.

Additionally, communities need to work together to reduce societal stigma towards those in the LGBTQ+ community. Most importantly, LGBTQ+ individuals need to have acceptance and support from others, whether their family, friends, or peers. Having a strong support system can immensely help improve one’s mental health. 

LGBT Mental Health Treatment Program

Supportive Measures and Therapeutic Approaches

Some supportive measures and therapeutic approaches for LGBTQ+ mental health include:

Find LGBTQ+ Specific Mental Health Treatment in Southern California and Arizona Today

Addressing LGBTQ+ mental health issues requires a caring and supportive environment to ensure the well-being of individuals within this diverse community. At Montare Behavioral Health, our caring and compassionate team offers personalized and comprehensive mental health services to help individuals address their unique mental health issues and challenges. Together, we work toward improving mental health and enabling our clients with the tools, support, and resources to lead productive lives while being comfortable with their sexual orientation and gender identity. Contact us today for further information or to start mental health treatment in Los Angeles, Phoenix or Tucson today.